Tag Archive | organic food

Killing Me Softly….with my food.


Where do I begin. I have begun to be very concerned with the safety of the food in this country. Un-labeled genetically modified ingredients are prevalent in our food. No adequate safety testing has been done on this food. It is more than probable that this is one of the reasons for the increase in allergies, asthma, heart disease, and cancer.

In 2011, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Needless to say my journey was about to begin. I was told I needed immediate surgery, although my cancer was stage 0, they called it Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ. Scared me for sure. I was determined not to have this surgery, so I began my own research. Here is where my introduction to GMO and chemicals as well as pesticides began. I found to my amazement a large quantity of chemicals and pesticides were being used on our food that were carcinogenic. So my first order of business was to change the way I was eating. No more chemicals and pesticides. I started eating organics foods, or locally grown by small farmers. The mass production of food is where the problem lies, we must fear the big producers.

Then I read about Genetically Modified Organisms in my food. My last post gave you an overview of the process. Monsanto was a name that continued to pop up. Monsanto is a chemical company that is now the world’s largest seed corporation. Monsanto’s products cause death. There is definite link to Monsanto’s GMO crops and cancer tumors.Read more at  http://www.naturalnews.com/037249_GMO_study_cancer_tumors_organ_damage.html

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What is genetically engineered in the US?

Right now soy, corn, cotton, and canola are the big four. Soy and Corn derivatives are in most processed foods. If it comes in a box from the supermarket, it is probably genetically engineered. All four are used in vegetable oil.*


This is a no-no…

In order to avoid eating GMOs, you must: 1. Buy organic, which is not allowed to use GM inputs   2. Buy products that are labeled Non-GMO   3. Buy products listed on a Non-GMO Shopping Guide, or   4. Read labels and avoid the at risk ingredients, such as soy protein isolate, lecithin, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin, and all corn derivatives, canola and cottonseed oil, etc.*


*Visit www.ResponsibleTechnology.org to find more information on how to avoid GM foods, as well as a shopping guide.

In May 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine released a policy paper urging all doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for everyone, stating that animal studies show that GM food is linked to infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, organ damage, and gastrointestinal problems. They called for a moratorium on GMOs, and mandatory labeling.

The fight for labeling is ongoing and hard. We need to make our voices heard in Congress, and say no to GMO and if not, please at least label it so we have a true choice. I’m ready to fight…are you?