What’s Your Gut Feeling About GMO’s?

GMO’s must go!!! Our gut health depends on it!



By now, I hope you all know the effects GM foods are having on our health. It’s a known fact that glyphosate, the main chemical in Roundup, has an adverse effect on our gut flora or gut balance. This process of genetically modifying our foods and spraying it with unbelievable amounts of pesticides and herbicides may be contributing to an overgrowth of very harmful bacteria. This bacteria is not only in the GE foods but in our bodies as well.file0001547608975

Before changing my diet and eliminating Genetically Modified Organisms from my plate, my gut hurt. Chronic constipation, followed by bouts of terrible diarrhea; my digestive system was definitely out of whack. Constipation is a sometimes a result of inadequate good bacteria. I also developed severe allergic responses to foods I had eaten all my life. Everything was out of balance.

Gut flora is so important to our health and wellness…

View original post 944 more words

Roundup in YOUR Cotton?

Sharing is caring!



Genetically Modified cotton, another production by Monsanto, claims 83% of the GM market. And like other GMO’s this cotton variety produces its own pesticide. Bt cotton is Roundup Ready cotton genetically modified to resist the herbicide glyphosate. Bt stands for Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacteria that comes from soil. The Bt gene is inserted into the cotton seed ( the Monsanto gene gun at work, AGAIN,) and it produces its own Bt toxin. This Roundup Ready death-ROUNDUP-41cotton is planted by the farmers, and then sprayed with the Roundup containing glyphosate. The plants could withstand this spraying while the weeds died. BUT….

As it goes with GMO’s, something went WRONG. Nature’s inherent desire to survive kicked in and the weeds fought back. The weeds became resistant to the glyphosate in Roundup and many other types of herbicides. Super-weeds came, and next the super-bugs!


The Bt variety was introduced in the US in…

View original post 1,206 more words

GMO- The Generational Poison


Genetically Modified Organisms, the process of inserting the genes from viruses and bacteria and other genetic material from animals into the DNA of other species, like soybeans and corn; to create a herbicide and insect resistant food product; is really some scary science. What’s even scarier is that it wasn’t even a well thought out plan. No pre-market testing;  it was just slammed into the food supply, with, I might add, the approval of the FDA and USDA.

BN-AC244_montag_DV_20131022152756Genetic Engineering exposes crops to chemicals and radiation, and switches off selected genes, silencing them. The process of genetic engineering actually modifies the genetic code and re-programs it to become something new; even sounds dangerous. In GM plants, a new protein was spawned that was designed to kill insects trying to eat them or to make them tolerant of the herbicide Glyphosate, found in Monsanto’s Roundup. Sounds great in theory…The effects of course were not predictable.

Or were they??? FDA scientists warned that genetically engineered foods could create allergies, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems. But….they approved them anyway. file0001297229356

  • Lab animals fed GM crops showed damaged organs, higher infant mortality, smaller babies, organ lesions, signs of toxicity, potentially precancerous cell growth, massive tumors, early death, sterility, and birth defects. Investigations link GM feed with livestock sickness and death. And thousands of farm workers that handle GM cotton plants are reporting rashes, itching, and allergic reactions.

Now–where are We? And what about the next generation, our children and grand children??? This industry wants to replace ALL our food with this poisonous stuff!!!80

Right now we are faced with:

  • rising health issues in the US, e.g. multiple chronic illness, food allergy, autism, diabetes
  • American Academy of Environmental Medicine: infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, organ damage, and gastrointestinal problems.

When we and our families consume GMO foods we are ingesting Roundup. Studies now suggest that our gut has become a pesticide factory. The pesticide is on the food and in the food. Because these genes have mutated, either by deletion or by altering the gene expression, they might also produce harmful RNA. (DNA creates RNA, and the RNA creates proteins). Our healthy gut bacteria are also being destroyed by the trans-genes from DNA bacteria inserted into the GM crop.

Our children are eating more corn and corn-based products than we adults do. There’s also GMO soy in infant formula. Can you imagine what’s happening inside their bodies???10300510_444588675656343_4140437450804174673_n

And let’s not forget the GMO fed dairy cows with the added  rbGH for rapid growth. Also, allergies have increased 400%  since the introduction of GE foods into our food supply. Our  future generations are being poisoned right before our eyes.  And often it is the parent that unknowingly contributes to their demise.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine states that GMO foods “pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health and are without benefit.” Read more at http://www.the-open-mind.com/the-dangers-gmos-pose-to-children/#1LLpPJkeSQvlRFVX.99

And if that weren’t enough, they now want to add Agent Orange (2,4 D) to the killer mix. Enlist Duo, is a mixture of 2,4 D and glyphosate. The monster created a bigger monster and now they have to come up with a bigger gun. Even though 35 scientists have urged the EPA not to approve this deadly mix, citing that it would endanger human and environmental health, the approval is close to becoming a reality. deadly duo


On July 23, 2014 Environmental Work Group released this report:

Washington, D.C. – Prominent doctors, scientists and business leaders today urged Congress to pressure the Obama administration to reject an application to market “Enlist Duo,”TM a new toxic herbicide mix of 2,4-D and glyphosate.

“Exposures to herbicides in early life can lead to disease in childhood or disease later on in adult life or even old age,” said Dr. Landrigan, dean for global health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. “Herbicide chemicals can also cross from mother to child during pregnancy and prenatal exposures that occur during the nine months of pregnancy are especially dangerous.”

Physicians are very concerned about exposure to the combination of 2,4-D and glyphosate because of the potential lifelong and irreversible effects on the health of vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women and farm workers,” said Dr. Thomasson, executive director of Physicians for Social Responsibility. “Policy decisions should take into account the costs that can result from failure to act on the available data on toxic herbicides.”

GE and the Environment

Roundup Ready grass is in school yards and at home. The horrible disappearance of the honey bees and the monarch butterfly; all pesticide related. There’s air and water and soil contamination. This chart does an excellent job showing the damage to the ecosystem.Env_contamination1.if

  •  Roundup
    • Chelates trace minerals,  “meaning it immobilizes critical micro-nutrients, rendering them unavailable to the plant. As a result, the nutritional efficiency of genetically engineered (GE) plants is profoundly compromised. Micronutrients such as iron, manganese and zinc can be reduced by as much as 80-90 percent in GE plants.” Source: Mercola.com, Dr. Huber Interview
    • Dismantles plant defenses,
    • Destroys beneficial microorganisms
    • Promotes disease-causing pathogens
    • Remains in soil and influences later crops

It is believed that widespread contamination has occurred because there has been a dramatic increase in spraying, because of “Super-weeds.” There would be pesticide “drift”causing cross- contamination into nearby residential areas and ecosystem habitats.

What About the Soil?

Dr. Don Huber is an expert in an area of science that relates to the toxicity of genetically engineered (GE) foods. In an article published by Dr. Joseph Mercola, he states the following:

“…glyphosate can accumulate and persist in the soil for years. Persistence is determined by biological activity, soil PH, clay content, and how firmly its sequestered or absorbed in the soil. This is bad news, because glyphosate not only decimates beneficial microorganisms in the soil essential for proper plant function and high quality nutrition, it also promotes the proliferation of disease-causing pathogens.”

The soil is being irreversibly damaged and an epidemic of herbicide resistant super-weeds is raging. All the beneficial nutrients are gone. Globally, the arable land is to be lost through “degradation’, specifically soil erosion”.earthday_soil

*New research links pesticide exposure to adverse effects 3 generations later. This is surely a systemic problem that has a “domino effect of harm to the ecosystem.”

What do we do? What will be left for future generations? Will the land our children inherit feed them and their children?

The answers to these questions are obvious if we can’t turn this poisonous tide.

The O Shift

Fortunately we are seeing a shift to organic foods as more people are becoming aware. Parents are insisting on non-GMO products. But the battle is far from over. We must continue to reject these poisons masquerading as food. The scientific studies (343 of them) support the fact that organic is a healthier, is-organic-bettermore nutritious alternative to GE foods. Organic market sales have seen a dramatic increase. A big thank you goes to Non-GMO Project Verified for “helping us make informed shopping decisions.”

“The Non-GMO Project is the only organization offering independent verification of testing and GMO controls for products in the U.S. and Canada. Buying products that are verified by our program is the best way to support the sustained availability of non-GMO choices in North America.”

Source:Non-GMO Project.org 


Say NO everyday to GMO!!! Support your  local permaculture farm and organic  agriculture. Better yet, grow your own. Paul  Gautschi’s film “Back to Eden” teaches  simple organic growing methods that mirror  the provisions given to man in the Garden of  Eden. It’s a must see! Gardening made easy,  and the kids will love seeing where their  food comes from.

“Read labels and avoid the at risk ingredients, such as soy protein isolate, lecithin, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin, and all corn derivatives, canola and cottonseed oil, etc.”

Our future generations deserve better. We must continue to educate people about GMO’s, make better food choices and invest in sustainability for us and them.

Sharing is caring. Blessings one and all…      IRTbanner120x600

Additional Sources:

PAN’s Pesticide Residue Database, What’s On My Food?

Beyond Pesticides’, Eating with a Conscience guide

Jeffery Smith, Institute of Responsible Technology Speaker’s Notes

Roundup in YOUR Cotton?


Genetically Modified cotton, another production by Monsanto, claims 83% of the GM market. And like other GMO’s this cotton variety produces its own pesticide. Bt cotton is Roundup Ready cotton genetically modified to resist the herbicide glyphosate. Bt stands for Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacteria that comes from soil. The Bt gene is inserted into the cotton seed ( the Monsanto gene gun at work, AGAIN,) and it produces its own Bt toxin. This Roundup Ready death-ROUNDUP-41cotton is planted by the farmers, and then sprayed with the Roundup containing glyphosate. The plants could withstand this spraying while the weeds died. BUT….

As it goes with GMO’s, something went WRONG. Nature’s inherent desire to survive kicked in and the weeds fought back. The weeds became resistant to the glyphosate in Roundup and many other types of herbicides. Super-weeds came, and next the super-bugs!


The Bt variety was introduced in the US in 1996. That was Monsanto’s banner year. Many of the  GMOs were introduced in this year. And I might add, without proper testing to ensure their safety. They dumped a massive load of untested, pesticide producing seeds, right in our food chain. All done with a handshake and a smile from the FDA. 😦

India was heavily impacted by the introduction of the commercially sold Bt cotton in 2002. These farmers were promised gold. Instead many of them became paupers.

risk5bsm Bollworm pests caused crop failure and major economic losses to these farmers, even though they were told that the cotton had a built-in pesticide that would resist the bollworm.

90% of India’s farmers grew this genetically modified variety of cotton;  followed by big promises from “you know who.” 26_03_12-pg1b

Sadly the farmers response to this  failure was the worst imagined. Many farmer suicides were found to have been caused by the failure of these crops; beginning only 3 years after their introduction. Monsanto and its seed monopoly coupled with crop failure, and the high cost of seeds and chemicals were the “seeds of suicide.”

Nations of Change reports that “Monsanto’s cost-inflated and ineffective seeds have been driving farmers to suicide for quite some time, and is considered to be one of the largest — if not the largest — cause of the quarter of a million farmer suicides over the past 16 years.”

In three years these Bt genes began to wreak havoc on the soil. according to Global Research, “In 3 years, Bt-cotton has reduced the population of Actinomycetes (a bacteria) by 17%. Actinomycetes are vital for breaking down cellulose and creating humus (soil produced by decomposition). Bacteria were reduced by 14%. The total microbial biomass or the living part of the soil, organic matter, was reduced by 8.9%.”

They also found that “vital soil beneficial enzymes which make nutrients available to plants have also been drastically reduced. Acid Phosphatase, which contributes to the uptake of phosphates was reduced by 26.6%. Nitrogenase enzymes which help fix nitrogen were reduced by 22.6%. The planting with GM cotton, or any GM crop with Bt genes in it, could lead to total destruction of soil organisms, leaving dead soil unable to produce food.” Global Research

So besides being ineffective at killing pests, the Bt genes were destroying the soil and any possibility for future growth. A study performed in India concluded that “the long-term impact of Bt cotton on soil organisms is a wake up to regulators worldwide. It also shows that the claims of the Biotechnology industry about the safety of GM crops are false.”

For a copy of that report you can go to: http://www.navdanya.org/Indian-farmers-Bt-cotton-monsanto

Livestock die after grazing in Bt cotton fields, others fall sick. Read more here: Bt Cotton and Livestock: Health Impacts, Bio-safety concerns and the Legitimacy of Public Scientific Research Institutions by Dr Sagari R Ramdas (Director, Anthra)monsanto-bt-cotton1

The Institute for Responsible   Technology, one of the most     comprehensive sources for GMO health risks, cite   problems related to exposure to Bt cotton:

 Workers exposed to Bt  cotton developed allergies
 1. Agricultural laborers in six  villages  who picked or loaded  Bt cotton reported  reactions of  the skin, eyes and upper    respiratory tract.                                     2.  Some laborers required hospitalization.                            3. Employees at a cotton gin factory take antihistamines everyday.                                                4. One doctor treated about 250 cotton laborers

 Sheep died after grazing in Bt cotton fields
1. After the cotton harvest in parts of India, sheep herds grazed continuously on Bt cotton plants.
2. Reports from four villages revealed that about 25% of the sheep died within a week.
3. Post mortem studies suggest a toxic reaction.

Dreaded Skin Affection seen above has become common in people working in BT cotton farms. This photograph shows a 60-year-old farm labourer Mr Ram Singh of Village Agroha, (District Hisar, India) being affected by unknown skin disease due to BT cotton.  (savefarmer.info)

Are We Being Exposed???

The answer is YES! Approximately 93% of the cotton produced in 2010 in the US is genetically modified. Because of the heavy pesticide use, it is considered “one of the world’s most dirtiest crops.”And although cotton is a fiber, its seeds are used for food items and feed, and sadly is on the market.

  • Oil: the high-quality cotton seed oil is utilized for cooking and deep-frying, as well as in margarine,
  • Whole grain: the albuminous pellet (the endosperm) is used primarily for feed–cotton seed meal. It is also a base for protein compounds and isolates, as well as for cotton seed milk.
  • ‘Linters’: These very short, non-textile fibres cling to the cotton seeds. They consist almost exclusively of cellulose. Various food additives such as thickening agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers or fillers are made from these.  http://farmwars.info/?=6920   Be mindful humans can’t break down or digest cellulose.

Other ways we are exposed to Bt toxin in cotton:

  • Bed sheets, towels, cotton clothing, socks, diapers;
  • “our skin absorbing more than 60% “of what we come in contact with. http://www.organicauthority.com/
  • Cotton balls, Q-tips, tampons, and sanitary napkins, paper towels, toilet paperfile0001734085042


file0002000078440Here’s an interesting note from Consciouslifenews.com

Sixty five percent of conventional cotton production ends up in our food chain, directly through food oils or indirectly through the milk and meats of animals feeding on cotton seed meal and cotton gin by-products. The hazardous effect of conventional cotton in our food chain comes from GMO and Bt cotton by-products, which are generated from manufacturing non-food cotton products. These by-products are commonly known as “Gin Trash” which consists of cotton seed, stalk, leaves, burrs, twigs, dirt and everything else that are not used in cotton textile production.  The “Gin Trash” is sold to food companies to undergo further processing to create cotton seed oil, additional additives and fillers in processed foods for  livestock feed, and soil compost mix. Additionally, the waste from the processing goes directly into our water supply.

The chemicals in cotton are very toxic and they do cause an array of health problems. All Natural is Not Natural, so read your labels and demand Certified Organic Cotton. Those chemicals are still there even after washing. Cottonseed oil is found in many processed foods. Avoid it! The same goes for margarine. Healthy oils include olive, coconut, avocado, walnut, and grape-seed, preferably Organic.

If we all stand together against the evil corporations, boycotting the manufacturers and the10468378_10152224257668697_840838158367110798_n sellers; we can send the message that We SAY NO to YOUR GMO and WE MEAN NO!!!

Choose Brands without GMOs.

“Just a small percentage of the population switching to non-GMO brands will create a tipping point, forcing major food companies to quickly replace GM ingredients. When the tipping point of consumer rejection was reached in Europe in 1999, within a single week, virtually all major food companies committed to remove GMOs.” quote courtesy of the Institute of Responsible Technology, Jeffrey Smith

Sharing is Caring. Talk to you later friends…

GMO’s and Nano’s, I SAY NO-NO!!!

nano (1)

What the heck is a nanoparticle? Surprisingly, they’ve been in our food supply and products we use everyday for decades; much like GMO’s. Nano-Technology, like GMO’s, is a totally unregulated field of science. The technology is for the building of small machines. Now that really sounds scary! Nano particles are used in the producing, processing, and packaging of our foods. Teeny, tiny bits of foreign matter used in packaging material to detect microbes; in dietary supplements, and in foods and drinks as food additives. They are used to “prevent caking, deliver nutrients and prevent bacterial growth.” But are they something we should beconsumer prod. nano digesting?

OK– so, Nanoparticles are all around us. I’m asking, are they harmful?

The answer is: they say they really don’t know. 😦

Nanoparticles are ultra fine materials that vary between 1 to 100 in size. A NANO_SCALE-Illustration_FoE_DK-EDIT2-722890nanometer is a unit that measures length. It is one billionth of a meter.

It’s a million times smaller than a  millimeter. Nanoparticles, which range from 1-100 nanometers in size, are roughly the same size as biomolecules such as proteins, antibodies, and membrane receptors. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/11/131107094021.htm

“There are 150-600 nano food and 400-500 nano food packaging application on store shelves.” They are added with no warning and no safety testing. Sounds a lot like GMO’s, huh?

A new study reveals that nanoparticles are being used in everything from beer to baby drinks despite a lack of safety informationnano

‘The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently does not specifically require nanoparticles to be proved safe but does require manufacturers to provide tests showing that the food goods employing them”—be it beer or baby products—are not harmful. “Industry would bear the burden of demonstrating the safety of the material under its intended conditions of use,” says FDA spokesperson Christopher Kelly. “Nanoparticle versions of [FDA-approved] materials may well be new materials” that would trigger new investigations, “and this is considered on a case-by-case basis.”   http://www.scientificamerican.com/.

Funny, this self policing by the manufacturers didn’t work at all with genetically engineered foods. I’m curious to know, what makes them think its going to work with this???

Previous research has shown that nanoparticles can be absorbed by the skin, inhaled, or ingested; cross into the brain, or blood and even taken up by cells. While they say they aren’t harmful, let’s investigate a bit.

Titanium dioxide, “one of the top chemicals produced, worldwide,”  is used in everything from paint to food and cosmetics. Its a mineral pigment, opaque, used in sunscreen,  and in color cosmetics. It is thought to be carcinogenic, and they can penetrate your cells and cause DNA damage when exposed to sunlight. You actually put this in Sunscreen? DUH? There is also some fear that this may lead to skin cancer. Oh yea, this nano titanium is known to kill beneficial bacteria and soil microbes.

A study by Churg et. al. at the University of British Columbia in their paper “Induction of Fibrogenic Mediators by Fine and Ultrafine Titanium Dioxide in Rat Tracheal Explants” (1999) found that ultrafine particles of the anatase form of titanium dioxide, which are less than 0.1 microns, are pathogenic or disease-causing.

Table 1: Measurements of Mineral Pigment Particles
Particle Size Measurement
Coarse Less than 10 microns
Fine Less than 2.5 microns
Ultrafine (nanoparticles) Less than 0.1 microns or 100 nanometres
Table 2: Particle Size and Entry into the Human Body
Nanoparticle Size Entry Point
70 nanometres Alveolar surface of lung
50 nanometres Cells
30 nanometres Central Nervous System
Less than 20 nanometres No data yet

Danger to the cell depends on the size of the particle. What is interesting about this study is that the smaller the particle, the more toxic it became.

Nano facts from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

  • Nanotechnology is technology on the atomic and molecular scale
  • A nanometre (nm) is one billionth of a metre
  • A nanoparticle is a particle with one or more external dimensions in the size range 1 nm — 100 nm
  • The aspect ratio between a nanoparticle and a football is similar to that between a football and Earth
  • Nanotechnology is working on a scale of 100 nm (which corresponds approximately to the size of a virus) down to the size of atoms, about 0.1 nm

“Toddler Health is a nutritional supplement containing nano iron particles that claims to offer toddlers increased bio-availability. Canola Active cooking oil contains NutraLease, a nutraceutical technology that uses nano-capsules to enhance the delivery of nutrients. A preservative known as AquaNova contains nano capsules of water insoluble substances to increase absorption in the body. McDonald’s burger packages contain nano-spheres that require less water and less time and energy to dry. Miller Beer bottles are made from Imperm, a plastic imbued with clay nanoparticles that are as hard as glass but stronger and provide longer shelf life. –           See more at:  http://www.non-gmoreport.com/articles/sept09/nanotechnology_parallels_

All this sounds alarming to me. When I think of all the damage that is being done from the introduction of GMO’s into our food supply; the idea of nanoparticles being added, “untested” is reason to fear. I’m appalled. Nanotechnology has made the nano foods industry a $6 billion market. And people are the guinea pigs, AGAIN, testing it. totally unaware.

I’m no scientist, but I am a researcher, I can read. And I can see from the information that is available out there that this is headed for disaster. There’s enough sickness and disease already, and they seem content in continuing to make it that way.

Major food companies, such as General Mills, Kraft, Nestle, PepsiCo, Cadbury-Schweppes, and Unilever are making the nano food and nano packaging a mainstream application. Monsanto isn’t involved in this, BUT, Syngenta, Cargill, Dupont, BASF, are all involved in some type of research or application of this technology. And they are affiliated with Monsanto, that’s enough for me to be concerned.

Creams graphic.jpg

Some of the initial studies reveal some cancer causing potential. Nano silver, used as a coating in tableware, has been found to be “toxic to the liver, brain, and stem cells and may harm beneficial bacteria.” image2

This stuff is “potent and toxic, even in small quantities.” And it also needs to be labeled like GMO’s, so at least we know, its our right…nanoparticles-in-food-vitamins-pharmaceutical-drugs-may-harm-your-health

Here is a partial list of items known to contain nanoparticles of zinc oxide, nanotechnology-cosmetics-1-537x402titanium dioxide, and/or silver:  Sunscreens, Cosmetics, Dietary  Supplements, Food and Beverage grroup-of-4-2items, Appliances, Computers, Clothing. This post would go on too long if I tried to name all of the products that are using nanoparticles.    images (2)

The list goes on and on. Go to http://www.nanotechproject.org/cpi/products/ for a list of 1791 products that contain nanoparticles. This list includes food and non food items. You can browse by category. Plan to be amazed! I’d say if the word “nano” appears anywhere on a product it should be a NO-NO to you.

nanoparticles accumulate

As always, I share because I care about you and the issues that affect us all. Let me hear from you…Oh, would you do me a favor and like my page. Thanks…

Additional sources:
The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. www.nanotechproject.org.
Associated Press. “Scientists concerned about nanotech products.” November 13, 2008.
Food and Water Watch. “The Risks of Nanotechnology.” September 2008
Ball, Philip, “Nanoparticles in Sun Creams Can Stress Brain Cells.” Nature. June 21, 2006.
KABC-TV. “Studies Show Nanoparticles Used in Sunscreens and Makeup can Harm the Environment.” March 26, 2009
“Down on the Farm: The Impact of Nano-scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture.” ETC Group. November 2004. –

What’s Your Gut Feeling About GMO’s?


By now, I hope you all know the effects GM foods are having on our health. It’s a known fact that glyphosate, the main chemical in Roundup, has an adverse effect on our gut flora or gut balance. This process of genetically modifying our foods and spraying it with unbelievable amounts of pesticides and herbicides may be contributing to an overgrowth of very harmful bacteria. This bacteria is not only in the GE foods but in our bodies as well.file0001547608975

Before changing my diet and eliminating Genetically Modified Organisms from my plate, my gut hurt. Chronic constipation, followed by bouts of terrible diarrhea; my digestive system was definitely out of whack. Constipation is a sometimes a result of inadequate good bacteria. I also developed severe allergic responses to foods I had eaten all my life. Everything was out of balance.

Gut flora is so important to our health and wellness. It is critical for our survival.

But actually, what exactly is gut flora and why is it so important?germ-virus010

According to an article on PubMed.gov, our gut is a natural habitat for a very beneficial community of bacteria. These Gut micro-flora help to perform a host of metabolic activities that result in energy, absorption of nutrients, immune system function, and protecting against alien invasion. This next diagram paints a picture of their importance:microbiota-gut-interplay

In an article published by GreenMed Info entitled Roundup Herbicide Linked to Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria, it was suggested that the consumption of GM foods contaminated with Monsanto’s glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup is causing some major problems in our gut. Glyphosate is toxic to our beneficial bacteria, yet harmful bacteria is able to resist glyphosate’s toxicity.

“A new study published in the journal Current Microbiology titled, “The Effect of Glyphosate on Potential Pathogens and Beneficial Members of Poultry Microbiota In Vitro,” found that the
death-ROUNDUP-41active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, known as  glyphosate, negatively impacted the gastrointestinal bacteria of  poultry in-vitro. The researchers presented evidence that  highly pathogenic bacteria resisted glyphosate, whereas  beneficial bacteria were moderately to highly susceptible  to it.”  http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/roundup- herbicide-linked-overgrowth-deadly-bacteria

This fact alone, allows for the disruption of the “friendly” flora in our gut. The ones promoting our good health are being suppressed by glyphosate.

images (31)Add that to more of the reasons we should not ever consume GM foods. We need our “helper” bacteria; some of which are, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Bacillus badius, Bifidobacterium adolescentis and Lactobacillus spp. Enterococcus is one of the most prevalent beneficial bacteria, it’s the bacteria that is capable of suppressing the Clostridia family of bacteria. These Clostridia bacteria are in a family with some of the most dangerous bacteria known to man, tetanus, and botulin toxin. Not surprisingly there has been an increase in Clostridia botulinum-mediated diseases.

Glyphosate has also been known to create genetic mutations within bacteria. Uh-oh. We really won’t know what we’re getting when we eat GMOs; or what’s coming next! There are mutations happening in our gut! Because of Monsanto and its gangs’ blatant disregard for our health, we have now introduced a “new” word into our vocabulary: transgenes.


Transferring genes, are in effect, altering the natural state of an organism through foreign gene expression. And guess what? They don’t even know the outcome of doing this. Potential health risks to humans include the possibility of exposure to new allergens in genetically modified foods, as  well as the transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes to gut flora. images (24)  http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/genetically-modified-   organisms-gmos-transgenic-crops-and-732

According to Jeffery Smith of the Institute of Responsible  Technology, IRT, these transgenes “readily travel from GM food  into the DNA of gut bacteria.” Wait there’s more:

1. Once transferred into gut bacteria, transgenes may confer survival advantages, allowing them to endure and spread.
2. These advantages may be due to antibiotic or herbicide resistance, promoters that function in bacteria and genetic mechanisms that promote uncontrolled replication.
3. Having “infected” our gut bacteria, the foreign genes and the proteins they create may be harmful.       http://www.responsibletechnology.org/gmo-dangers/65-health-risks/5notes

Here is a little GMO history lesson from an article from Scitable on Transgenic Crops: 

History of International Regulations for GMO Research and Development

In 1971, the first debate over the risks to humans of exposure to GMOs began when a common intestinal microorganism, E. coli, was infected with DNA from a tumor-inducing virus (Devos et al., 2007). Initially, safety issues were a concern to individuals working in laboratories with GMOs, as well as nearby residents. However, later debate arose over concerns that recombinant (new combination, cells, genetic material) organisms might be used as weapons. The growing debate, initially restricted to scientists, eventually spread to the public, and in 1974, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), established the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee to begin to address some of these issues.

In the 1980s, when deliberate releases of GMOs to the environment were beginning to occur, the U.S. had very few regulations in place. Adherence to the guidelines provided by the NIH was voluntary for industry. Also during the 1980s, the use of transgenic plants was becoming a valuable endeavor for production of  new pharmaceuticals, and farm-bill-cornindividual companies, institutions, and whole  countries were beginning to view biotechnology as a lucrative means of  making money (Devos et al., 2007). HA!!!

Our exposure to GMOs has been a long one. The results of that exposure is showing in our  gut.  The damage is growing with each mouthful of GM foods consumed. The Bt-transgene  inserted into crops “could cause our intestinal flora to produce Bt-toxin.” According to IRT,  “Bt-toxin has been associated with immune responses and damaged cells in animal intestines, long-term exposure may cause significant health problems.”images (27)

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Today, every store has aisles filled with  pharmaceuticals to help  with gut-related  problems.  According to WebMD,   heartburn,  acid reflux/GERD, have risen over 50% in the last decade. There’s  also an increase in gas and bloating, constipation, leaky gut syndrome, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc., and an increase in the many medicines for them. We’ve got to do something to get back on the right path!

Probiotic-and-Prebiotic-FoodsProbiotics and prebiotic foods hold some promise. Read the labels! Choose probiotics designating full probiotic name: genus, species and strain. Fermented foods also provide live microorganisms that offer numerous health benefits. However, we must delete the GMOs from our diet or we’re just wasting time. A change is needed NOW! Our guts are crying out for healing. Awareness is the first step…

As always, sharing is caring. Leave me a comment. Like my page.  🙂 Let me hear from you…

WHO Says Cancer On The Rise


Click on this worldmap, and be amazed at the world’s Cancer Incidence; 12.7 million NEW cases in 2008.

A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts a rise in new cancer cases “from an estimated 14 million annually in 2012 to 22 million within two decades.” It states also that deaths from cancer will rise “from 8.2 million a year to 13 million.”

 A 2012 study in The Lancet Oncology predicted that from 2008-2030, cancer incidence will rise 75 percent globally and will double in the least developed countries.

In a report by CNN Health,

(CNN) — Cancer cases are expected to surge 57% worldwide in the next 20 years, an imminent “human disaster” that will require a renewed focus on prevention to combat, according to the World Health Organization.  http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/04/health/who-world-cancer-report/

Now this same article goes on to say the reason they believe we can expect this rise is” the aging populations worldwide.” I beg to differ. I just don’t remember getting older meaning getting cancer. Do you???

Worldwide, cancer has an estimated cost of $1.16 trillion. According to WHO, the most important contributor to the rise is overweight and obesity.file000746250971

It seems like keeping the world “fat” keeps their pockets “fat,” forgive my pun…. 🙂 But being overweight is not always a precursor to cancer.

Breast cancer appears to be the most common cancer for women. In 2008, for breast cancer alone, nearly 1.14 million cases were diagnosed across the world. Compare that to 500,000 cases in 1975. There is really something wrong…

There is no question that the number of cases has risen in direct relation to the introduction of GMO or Genetically Engineered foods. Some may ask, how do we know that GMOs had anything to do with the rise of sickness and disease we see prevailing? And my answer would be, let’s look to the scientific studies. No, not the ones the FDA, and the USDA allowed Monsanto to perform on their own. Even though, we should be able to trust those guys to tell the truth, Right?

There are studies that link Genetically Modified corn to tumors in rats.  Why the rat, you may ask?  Well, independent and industry sponsored researchers view it as “an excellent human-equivalent model for tumor causing and cancer causing effects.”file00055953576

In November 2012,  Gilles-Eric Seralini and his team of researchers at France’s Caen University, published a paper entitled, Long Term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize.”  

This study in effect proved the link between GMO corn and tumors. These rats developed tumors and died prematurely. Seralini was later forced to retract his findings. DUH? The peer review that initially accepted this study was now rejecting it. I wonder why??

“After Seralini’s long term toxicity study results were publicized with displays of rats showing  huge tumors, saralini-300x126a tsunami of outrage from pro-GMO related  scientists got favorable mainstream media (MSM) press.  The hundreds of scientists who defended Seralini’s work  were ignored. Many fence sitters were left confused and willing to side with the barking dogs of thefile4021287537330 biotechnology industry.” Source: naturalsociety.com

“The retraction of the Séralini study is a black mark on medical publishing, a blow to science, and a win for corporate bullies.”    http://www.gmoseralini.org/seralini-retraction

Glyphosate and Cancer

Glyphosate in Roundup has also shown to be an endocrine disruptor in many studies. Endocrine disruptors interfere with the hormone system, and can cause cancer tumors.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23756170

A meta-analysis has confirmed a link between exposure to glyphosate herbicides such as Roundup and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.  http://www.gmoevidence.com/dr-schinasi-glyphosate-herbicides

The carcinogenic potential of Roundup herbicide was confirmed by the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research in 2013. It was confirmed using human skin cells exposed to extremely low concentrations of the poison that, not only is “on” our food, but “in” our food as well.

Who says cancer is on the rise? WHO! The World Health Organization, and they are privy to more information than what’s in this post, so they should know. They say that they see a “perceived advantage to Genetically modified foods, to either to the producer or consumer of these foods.” WHO has performed safety risk assessments of Genetically Modified food and has determined three main issues that they are still debating:

1. Allergenicity– They found no allergic effects to GM foods. HA!!

2. Gene Transfer– “Although the probability of transfer is low, the use of technology without antibiotic resistance genes has been encouraged by a recent FAO/WHO expert panel.”

That’s like saying, there’s really nothing wrong, but maybe it shouldn’t be done.

3. Out-crossing– They admit this is highly probable, but decided to do post-marketing monitoring. Continued surveillance is under discussion. You gotta be kidding me!

Yes, WHO knows, and now you know. So what are you going to do???

file0001096501900 GMO foods are on the market, found in many of the everyday foods we  eat. STOP buying it!!! Read Labels !!! Click this link for a detailed listing of  invisible GMO ingredients.  http://www.nongmoshoppingguide.com/brands/invisible-gm-ingredients.html

If you have cancer, whatever you do, avoid GMO foods, pesticides, and all  processed foods. Try a raw diet; definitely eat organic, or locally  grown fruits and vegetables. Coffee enemas are said to be excellent for removing toxins from the liver; the more severe the cancer, the more often you should use the enemas. Check out the Gerson Therapy.

Believe it or not our government has banned a known cancer cure from being sold in the U.S. B-17 is known by scientists to be an effective alternative treatment for many types of cancers. “Many of the alternative treatments are on the “unproven methods of cancer management” list maintained by the American Cancer Society which iseffectively, a ‘blacklist’.”

According to the scientists: *B17 will attack a cancer cell, if it is present in your body.

*Many of the world’s top scientists claim that when consumed, the B17 would make it 100% impossible to develop  cancer and that Vitamin B17 will kill existing cancer in most cases.

*Vitamin B17 contains Laetrile. Laetrile has been proven for decades to kill existing cancer cells in most cases.  *http://www.1cure4cancer.com/adtrackz/go.php?c=free_video

To read testimonies from cancer survivors who used Vitamin B17, click the next link…  http://www.1cure4cancer.com/adtrackz/go.php?c=testimonies

Sorry I was so long winded, but this subject hits close to home. My mother died in 1998 from multiple myeloma. I wish I knew then, what I know now. And of course, my diagnosis of breast cancer, makes this a subject I have a lot of passion about.

As always I share simply because I care…Let me hear from you friend… 🙂

The Miracle Tree???


That’s right, I said Miracle tree. A tree with the power to heal. Yes, I have researched it tho-rough-ly. And I must say, I thought I had heard it all. However, I’m a firm believer that you can learn something new everyday.

You know me; I write mostly about GMOs and their harmful effects on our health. During these studies, I came across this amazing plant. I feel a duty to share life-saving information with our world. And I know you’ve been listening. And I really appreciate you all. 🙂

Well, now I’m going to switch gears for a moment to tell you about a tree that does what we all desire. It seems there is a great desire for optimal health, and wellness. With sickness and disease on the rise, we need a boost to turn it around. It’s better to be proactive than reactive. Why wait to get sick?

Back to the tree; Yep, a tree.

Maybe you’ve heard of Moringa Oleifera.  I know, I know, you may have heard a little about it. But, I hope you will agree, not all things are created equal. Depending on where Moringa trees are grown is a determining factor in their nutritional content.

Most Moringa manufacturers use only the leaves of the Moringa tree. And while beneficial, there is a great loss in much of the special qualities this tree possesses. The leaves contain a lot of Vitamin C. The pods of this tree contain even more. The best formulation uses the leaves, the pods and the fruit to maximize Moringa’s nutritional value.

The manufacturing process really matters. The process must be scrutinized at each step to ensure that nutrition is at the forefront of all decisions in the growing, harvesting, and manufacturing processes.”

“The beneficial properties of Moringa are unparalleled and highly unique. Moringa is enriched with both water and fat-soluble vitamins, it is an excellent source of the amino acids that our body craves, and it has rare phyto-compounds that aid in promoting a healthier body.” 

This is the most nutritious tree on earth!!! You get the most awesome benefits; essential vitamins and minerals; that’s 90+, and amino acids, 46 antioxidants, even protein. What amazes me, is that man had nothing to do with its creation. It’s a gift from our Creator.

With this level of nutritional support, optimal health is ours to gain. Let me tell you, this is a great find. Today we are suffering from Malnutrition, big time. With the prevalence of GMOs, even when we try to eat right, our efforts are defeated because of the harmful effects of genetic engineering. Check out what is published about Moringa at PubMed.gov:

“The Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, beta-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid (same as chlorogenic acid, found in green coffee bean extract) and kaempferol  (a flavanoid). In addition to its compelling water purifying powers and high nutritional value, M.oleifera is very important for its medicinal value. Various parts of this plant such as the leaves, roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess anti-tumor, anti-pyretic, anti-epileptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, anti-hypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and anti-fungal activities…”

Can you believe that??? Check out his short video on Moringa’a ability to purify water. What an awesome extra benefit!!!


As I said in the beginning, I have researched this. And I can tell you there are many formulations of Moringa Oleifera. Most are teas or in pill form. The tea is missing some major nutritional components, and the pills, well, there you will find many fillers, and many questions. How much actual Moringa am I getting? Is it being absorbed properly in my digestive tract? They are synthetic and laboratory made.

GMOs have retarded our ability to digest properly. What is needed is a formulation that is cell ready, to enable proper absorption. I’ve researched, and I have found the best out there. There is a source that has a Moringa Oleifera that lives up to the true claims of this plant. It has dealt with the “taste” issue, creating a product that actually tastes good.

You know we’ve all heard, “everything that’s good for you doesn’t always taste good to you.” Well, I’m pleased to say that the right source has it right. Anyone can take it, from the very young to the very old. No contraindications, and its organic!

I’ve found the best out there, leave me a comment if you’re interested in finding out more. Aren’t you ready to begin a life of optimal health and wellness??? Are you proactive or reactive???

As always, I share because I care. I would love for all of us to feel better. Let me hear from you…

This entry was posted on June 4, 2014. 2 Comments

Orange Agent of Death

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Agent Orange, you got to be kidding me. Really??? Agent Orange or Herbicide Orange (HO) is a wicked herbicide and defoliant (causes the leaves to fall off) that was used as part of America’s herbicidal warfare program. Guess who makes the stuff? You guessed it right if you said Monsanto. Monsanto had some help later from Dow chemicals. What a collaboration, huh? “The former Monsanto Company was one of nine wartime government contractors who made military herbicides.” Agent Orange got its name from the color of the orange-striped barrels it was shipped in.


Simulation of HO barrel

What in the world is wrong with these people.??? Haven’t they heard of Vietnam and the health problems that resulted from Us spraying our own with this poison? Its use resulted in over 400,000 Vietnamese deaths and 500,000 birth defects.

Is this more denial, as they’ve done with Genetically Engineered foods and their obvious heath risks? And now you want to put this into the seeds and spray it on our food??? The Glyphosate in Round Up wasn’t enough? Agent Orange poison is currently used to control weeds in cereal grains and lawns. So we are already being exposed to it, and they want to do more? Agent Orange crops?file0001874342697

2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), its  chemical, name was introduced in 1946. Where are the “regulators” charged with the protection of public health and our environment. Regulators??? The EPA rejects the idea that Agent Orange is a threat. The USDA is more like a salesman for Dow, than a regulator for the people’s health and welfare.

Another component of Agent Orange is 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), which in 1969, was revealed to have been contaminated with a dioxin.  This dioxin  2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD)  was created unintentionally during manufacturing– thanks Monsanto. And it was known at that time to cause serious adverse health effects.  It was considered “perhaps the most toxic molecule ever synthesized by man.”

file000548050271A review done back in 1979 revealed that even “vanishingly small” quantities of dioxin in the diet caused some serious health effects when tested on animals. The National Toxicology Program has classified this stuff as a “known carcinogen,” causing lymphoma-type cancers. Dioxin is toxic over several years. It is not water-soluble and it doesn’t degrade easily.

Monsanto says it is now an independent agriculture company, no longer the wartime government contractor. But its chemicals are the same ones employed as in wartime. This time, however, it’s all in the name of killing weeds. Sadly, that’s not all that will be affected if Monsanto and Dow (the new Monsanto) are allowed to have their way.

main GM crop: soybean


New GE soybean and corn seeds called “Enlist” were already approved in Canada this year, the US is prepped and ready to join in. The corn and soy will be genetically engineered to be resistant to the herbicide. The “Enlist Weed Control System” needs to combine 2,4-D and Glyphosate to combat weeds that are now resistant to glyphosate alone. And this will go on, and on, and on. Dow AgroScience says its safe though, we should be fine, no real threat. Why do we need their new crops, what’s wrong with the old ones???

What the ham and eggs???14 GMOs

“Aside from its harmful endocrine and carcinogenic effects, 2,4-D is a very volatile herbicide, which can easily drift onto nearby crops, vegetables and flowers. In fact, a comparative risk assessment found that 2,4-D was 400 times more likely to cause non-target plant injury than glyphosate (also known as Roundup, the herbicide many currently used GE crops are engineered to survive.)” (source)

Should Enlist crops win ultimate authorization, the USDA said that would increase the annual use of 2,4-D  in the United States from 26 million pounds per year to possibly 176 million pounds. Drift and runoff are a serious risk potentially harming  our environment, plants and animals. DSCN9338

“Scientists, human and environmental health  advocates, farming organizations, and food  transparency groups have urged government  regulators to think twice about unleashing  more 2,4-D.”http://rt.com/usa/156272-epa-dow-agent-orange-herbicide/

“In 2012, seventy health scientists sent a letter to the EPA asking it to block approval of Dow’s 2,4-D-resistant corn and soybeans forfile0001700445160 commercial sale.”

The toxicity of these chemicals is well-known. Studies have been conducted for many years and as usual our government turns a blind eye to the truth. Our veterans are the perfect example of what exposure to Agent Orange can do. But those with the power to make change don’t believe the many complications our soldiers are experiencing came from that exposure.

Their illnesses are also documented and known. They have a range of afflictions: rashes and other skin irritations, miscarriages, psychological disorders, Type-2 diabetes, birth defects in children, and cancers; prostate, leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, just to name a few. In the same way, they see nothing wrong with GE foods or the health effects now showing themselves to be related to their consumption.

Can’t we just ban GMO’s altogether??? It probably would take a life time to accomplish that one. 😦 But we can fight back. Boycott, Boycott, Boycott. We can hit them where it hurts; in their pockets…Don’t buy meat from factory farms. You know that GE corn and soy are their diet, it will be in you, too. Tell the USDA, to keep Agent Orange corn off Your Plate!


Before I go, I’d like to share an interesting video with Michael Meacher, former UK Environment Minister, speaking on the risks associated with the technology of genetic modification …   http://on.aol.com/video/michael-meacher-on-the-problems-of-genetic-modification-516926307


Also, check out the Pesticide Action Network and the USDA info on green-lighting the use of Agent orange:  http://www.panna.org/media-center/press-release/usda-genetically-engineered-corn-opposed-by-farmers-scientists-public-interest

This stuff is dangerous. Agent Orange causes severe illness to those exposed to it and to the offspring of those exposed. It has been known to cause cancer in farmers that use it. The EPA/USDA/FDA, all must be made to listen to the voice of the people. Future generations depend on our action NOW. Let’s make some noise about it…

As always, I share because I care. Let me hear from you. Like my page, leave a comment, let me know you’re there…


Can You Afford to Eat Organic?

Shop local farmers market, Eat organic if you can.

Shop local farmers markets

I say you can’t afford Not to. However, to answer the question, you can afford to eat organic, even on a budget. One option that is always affordable is your local farmers markets. There you have a choice of local and organic. And to be honest, I find that in most cases the prices are lower or equal to the local chain grocery stores.

I know that eating organic sounds like a luxury to most. And I know it’s not the norm, and we do hate change. But I think it’s really important to be open to this change because your life depends on it. Even the medical community is realizing that we are at risk from the pesticides and additives that are found in our food today.

This is from Prevention News “…organizations from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the President’s Cancer Panel encourage us to reduce our exposure to everything from pesticides to artificial growth hormones, the fact is that we should all be able to feed our families foods that are free-from additives that are increasingly being shown to cause harm.”

Most stores today are adding some type of organic line of food, whether it’s their own brand or those that are stamped “USDA Organic.” You can also save money by becoming a member of a local farm. I guess you may ask, where am I going to find a local farm? I’m glad you asked. 🙂

The Organic Consumers Association  http://organicconsumers.org/btc/BuyingGuide.cfm  is probably one of the best sources for everything organic and sustainable. They have a Green People directory of green and organic businesses by zip code.  They also have an organic buying club, The Green Polka Dot Box, offering organic and Non GMO foods. http://www.greenpolkadotbox.com/

Eat Well Guide is an excellent resource for local, sustainable and organic food. Just type in your zip code and you get a listing for farms or markets near you. http://www.eatwellguide.org/i.php?pd=Home

Local Harvest is another excellent resource that will connect you to farms and farmers markets in your area. http://www.localharvest.org/

Become a member of a CSA, that’s Community Supported Agriculture. This is really cool. You get to visit the farm at least once a season. You also can develop a relationship with the farmer and get insight on how your food is grown. Great for families with children. 

Local Harvest can direct you to a local CSA. The farmer offers a certain number of “shares,” usually a box of  fruits and vegetables. You purchase a share, like a membership or subscription, and you receive a  box, bag or basket of seasonal produce. images

When we buy  direct from a family farm we are  actually helping the environment. Maybe we can  help change this horrible trend we see taking place with chemical agriculture and GMOs; the poisoning of our soil and water. We will also be strengthening our communities by sustaining the local economy.

There are community gardens, usually a donated piece of land to be used for gardening. This would allow for kids to also get involved in helping to provide nutritious food and a little exercise too.    info@communitygarden.org

Also check out Second Story gardens, safe_image  @www.facebook.com/SecondStoryGardens. This shows an example of community gardens utilizing the public school’s space for growing food.

There are many options to eating organic. You just have to find what works for you. And you know it’s really not a case of should you eat organic. The fact is, if you don’t, you and your family are at risk. GMOs are a real threat, pesticides and additives are too. You must avoid them.

Here are more reasons to eat organic:

GMO foods that are genetically engineering do not provide adequate nutrition and they cause harm.

Start growing your own.file401291227281 There are many options to this choice. But before you do, check out this amazing video, called “Back to Eden.”   http://www.backtoedenfilm.com/. Awesome!!!

I use a company called “Nature’s Garden Express.” I receive a box of organic fruits and vegetables of my choosing, every two weeks. I pay only $45 a box and it really lasts. Because I’m getting all the nutrition I need, I eat less and get filled quicker, its real food. It tastes better too.  https://www.naturesgardenexpress.com/invites.php

When I do shop,that  I find I save more money than I spend, even though organic may cost a little more. I save by passing by all that GMO, processed, pesticide filled food that’s on sale. I buy less, but I get more. More vitamins and nutrients, and more opportunities to be creative.  Try it!!!

Sharing is caring. I really care and I pray that we can start to eat our way to better health by saying No to GMO.